When it comes to making a decision as to whether you should invest in dental implants or one of the other means of artificially replacing a tooth, there are pros and cons to be considered for each of them.  We could probably list dozens of advantages that can come your way if you have dental implants, but to keep it as simple as possible, we are only going to cover three of those advantages. The reason for choosing just these are the three benefits that make the most positive difference to patients following their treatment.

Benefit #1: Enhanced Appearance

Arguably the number one benefit of dental implants for many patients is that they restore their appearance, and, in many cases improve it. Treatments such as braces or Invisalign may work for some people but in extreme cases of missing teeth, dental implants are the way to go. This improvement often comes from a person’s facial features altering due to missing teeth or them wearing devices such as a bridge or dentures. The other improvement is obviously with respect to their smile and the fact that it no longer has gaps in it.

Many patients tell us that having the gap in their teeth filled has given them renewed confidence and has removed any self-awareness they had as a result of their missing teeth. It has even seen some patients move from a situation where they refused to leave the house due to feeling embarrassed about their appearance, to one where their social lives have been resurrected and revitalised.

Benefit #2: Improved Oral Health

We could argue that, coming from our position at dental experts, this is the most important benefit of dental implants, but whether our patients always see it that way, we cannot be sure. From a medical perspective, one of the problems that occur when you lose a tooth is that the section of jawbone which surrounded and supported that tooth’s roots, no longer has a job to do. As a result it tends to weaken and diminish in strength.

If it is left that way, then it will continue to weaken and it means that should anyone subsequently wish to have a dental implant fitted, if more than 12 months have passed, it might not be possible, However, if they have them fitted soon after the tooth loss, the same area of jawbone becomes strengthened once more, due to increased blood flow bringing oxygen and nutrients, simply because the dental implant was fitted.

Dental implants also tend to see the individual who has them fitted take much more positive approach to their oral health. They want to care for that dental implant, and as a result they brush their teeth more regularly than before, floss more often, and tend to be more careful with regards to what food they chew on.

Benefit #3: Extreme Comfort

This is a benefit that we see a lot in the feedback we get from those who previously wore dentures or had a bridge fitted as a means of dealing with a missing tooth or missing teeth. When either of these are present there can be rubbing which takes places either on the gums or against the tongue. This can be uncomfortable at one end of the scale and extremely painful at the other, and can often lead to sores, and worse, infections.

With dental implants fitting exactly into the gaps where teeth are missing, and the means of attaching them drilled within the jawbone, there is nothing to rub against your gums or your tongue. This takes way any discomfort and makes dental implants patients almost forget they have them fitted.