5 Little Known Facts About Laser Eye Surgery

With the many advancements in laser eye surgery that have occurred over the years, there are many aspects of it that the general public is completely unaware of. As a result, and as often happens in scenarios like this, a number of important facts in relation to laser eye surgery are unknown by those who might benefit from it. If you are thinking about laser eye surgery for yourself or a member of your family is thinking about it, it would be a crying shame if you decided against going ahead with it, because you did not know all the

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What Happens During Cataract Surgery

Cataracts can induce clouded or blurred vision and also make bright lights extremely troublesome with regards to your vision. If you have a cataract that makes it challenging for you to do your usual activities, your ophthalmologist can recommend cataract surgery. When cataracts overlap with the care of another eye condition, cataract surgery can be prescribed. For example, physicians can prescribe cataract surgery if cataracts make it harder for the ophthalmologist to control or treat astigmatism or normal vision correction, such as short-sightedness. Although cataract surgery is a relatively routine procedure, with a high success rate, and an extremely low

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Vaginismus Treatment with Botox 

If you’ve got frown lines and wrinkles, then you may have considered talking to your GP about Botox treatment. However, did you know that suffers of the painful condition vaginismus may also see relief from the same ingredients within Botox? What is Vaginismus? Vaginismus is a painful condition that causes muscle spasms in a woman’s pelvic floor muscles. As a result of these spasms, sexual intercourse, gynaecological exams, and tampon insertion can be both painful and challenging. During any of these activities, a woman’s pelvic floor muscles can tighten up and contract. Muscle spasms, pain, and even temporary cessation of

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